C1X Partners with DIGITAL HOLDINGS to Accelerate Industry Transformation in Japan


Worldwide information innovation and computerized promoting innovation organization, C1X Inc., today declared an association with DIGITAL HOLDINGS, INC. (Tokyo Stock Exchange, TSE:2389), a main organization in Japan that is initiating Digital Transformation (“DX”) and Industrial Transformation (“IX”), which resembles the modern unrest.

Together, C1X and DIGITAL HOLDINGS will foster best in class items to change a considerable lot of the ventures in Japan.


The Advertising and Marketing Industries will be among businesses that the two organizations will mutually change. Consolidating the profound business organization and mastery of DIGITAL HOLDINGS in the space and the worldwide innovation and item capacities of C1X, the two organizations will speed up the shift to promoting and information tasks for customers, just as give new items to change the whole worth chain of the Japanese publicizing and showcasing industry.

Further, the two organizations will foster a wide exhibit of items to speed up “Digitization, Digitalization and Digital Transformation” in a considerable lot of the customary enterprises in Japan, which will permit computerized instruments to naturally control a lot of disconnected information. By using this information for publicizing and showcasing purposes, these Industry Transformation Platforms will additionally spike the computerized change of whole ventures and worth chains.

“To make our vision into move and genuinely change businesses in Japan, we are glad to band together with C1X. C1X is an organization that shares our vision and has profound ability and specialized capacities in IX and Advertising Industry Transformation,” said Daisuke Kanazawa, Chief Operating Officer of DIGITAL HOLDINGS.

“Coronavirus has generally changed how the worldwide economy functions, and the new developments in information protection have changed how the computerized economy functions. At this pivotal second, we are regarded that through our organization with DIGITAL HOLDINGS, we would have the option to use our experience and skill to make cutting edge items to achieve crucial changes to numerous businesses in Japan through the force of innovation,” says Daisuke Nagayama, Chief Operating Officer of C1X Inc.

c1x partners with digital holdings to accelerate industry transformation

The association denotes a huge advance towards crucial change in the promoting and advertising industry plans of action in Japan, which have been unaltered for quite a long time. Through the IX items, the progressions will broaden well past the publicizing and promoting businesses and will change numerous Japanese enterprises from their center.

About C1X 

C1X was established in 2014, and has fabricated a wide exhibit of advanced promoting, showcasing and information items including a Programmatic Direct Platform, Demand Side Platform, Supply Side Platform, Retail Media Platform, Data Privacy Products, Customer first Party Data Platform and then some. C1X has worked intimately with worldwide organizations in the United States, Japan, India, Southeast Asia and the Middle East.


Computerized HOLDINGS is an organization with a reason “To arouse a modern change and tackle social issues through New worth creation.” We will add to financial turn of events, in Japan, as an element that advances the computerized shift toward the acknowledgment of IX (Industrial Transformation) in all administration assets like individuals, products, cash, and data. We will give the framework to all partners and drives in Japan, to understand an eventual fate of unbridled expectation and yearning.

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