The agile revolution in marketing

The agile revolution in marketing

When most CEOs talk about the need for marketingto be more agile, they’re usually thinking about speed, flexibility and results. Throw in continuous improvement and efficiency, and this is the promise of “agile marketing”, done well.The ‘Agile’ philosophy emerged in 2001 to make developing software easier. This has since been adapted for marketing teams. An agile marketing manifesto written by a pioneering group of agile marketing practitioners in 2012, enshrines:

Agile marketing is a way of managing marketing in which teams work to complete highly defined projects and measure their impact, with the aim of continuously improving results over time. The Agile approach values focusing on the customer, and responding to change based on tests and data, over executing a predetermined plan. New requests go on the backlog and high-value work is prioritized by the team.