Toshiba Teams With ASI Corporation, a Leading IT Hardware and Software Distributor


Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc. (TAEC) reported another cooperation with ASI Corporation, a public wholesaler of IT equipment and programming items. ASI Corporation was established in 1987 and has nine deals/stockroom areas all through the U.S. also, Canada and persists 150 product offerings and other key parts.

TOSHIBA Teams With ASI Corporation

ASI will include a full line-up of Toshiba’s inner hard plate drives as the organization hopes to reinforce its situation in the capacity dissemination market. “Expansion of advanced substance is bringing about a flood popular for capacity, and by adding Toshiba’s hard plate drives, it will cement ASI’s item portfolio and simultaneously give a serious item to our clients,” expressed Christine Liang, President, of ASI.

“ASI is a grounded wholesaler of driving edge items, and it is energizing information for Toshiba to be a fundamental piece of their hard plate drive contributions,” said Bill Willette, Senior Director HDD Sales. “Our association with ASI will permit clients to buy Toshiba’s HDDs effectively and proficiently. This association is a shared benefit for both of our organizations, and together we desire to accomplish new achievements.”

As a worldwide innovation organization that has been advancing away for a really long time, Toshiba offers an extensive arrangement of HDD items that address the capacity needs of big business, datacenter, reconnaissance, and customer markets. Toshiba addresses client challenges with creative HDD models zeroing in on four essential market portions. The AL Series centers around the Enterprise Performance fragment; the MG Series is focused on Enterprise Capacity and Data Center necessities; the MQ Series covers the expansive range of utilization cases that require Mobile Client HDDs; and the DT Series tends to the reconnaissance and conventional Desktop Client use cases.

Toshiba Teams With ASI Corporation, a Leading IT Hardware and Software Distributor

About Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc. 

Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc. (TAEC), an autonomous working organization claimed by Toshiba America, Inc., is the US based electronic parts business of Toshiba Electronic Devices and Storage Corporation. TAEC offers a wide assortment of inventive hard circle drive (HDD) items and semiconductor answers for server farm, auto, modern, IoT, movement control, telecom, systems administration, buyer, and white merchandise applications. The organization’s wide portfolio incorporates endeavor and buyer HDDs, power semiconductors, microcontrollers, and optical semiconductors.

2021 Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc. Protected by copyright law. Data in this public statement, including item evaluating and determinations, content of administrations and contact data, is current and accepted to be precise on the date of the declaration, yet is liable to change without earlier notification. Specialized and application data contained here is liable to the latest material Toshiba item details.

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