Reimburse Announces Strategic Partnership with Veem


A main supplier of in an upward direction coordinated installment arrangements, today reported it has gone into a business organization concurrence with Veem to extend each party’s B2B installment abilities. With the understanding, REPAY will grow its capacity to convey cross-line installment alternatives, and Veem will expand its abilities by utilizing REPAY’s center B2B virtual card and obtaining innovation.

Notwithstanding the business connection among REPAY and Veem, REPAY has made a minority value interest in Veem to offer extra help for Veem’s go-ahead development. The venture was financed with cash available and professional forma net influence is relied upon to stay at the current degree of around 2.8x.

REPAY Announces Strategic Partnership with Veem

“This commonly advantageous business arrangement and venture reinforces our relationship with a vital and long haul B2B accomplice,” said Darin Horrocks, EVP of REPAY’s B2B business. “We are eager to band together with the Veem group to offer our customers a more vigorous B2B offering, with the assistance of Veem’s cross-line innovation. This should assist us with opening a greater amount of the gigantic worldwide B2B installments market, which is assessed at roughly $125 trillion today and expected to develop to $200 trillion throughout the following decade. Moreover, REPAY will improve Veem’s contribution by giving Veem clients admittance to REPAY’s responsible innovation and virtual installment capacities. With our organizations currently deliberately adjusted, we anticipate that this should be the start of a long and fruitful association.”

“This association with REPAY will draw in business customers to oversee globalized bargains easily and solace,” said Bimal Shah, Head of Corporate Development for Veem. “Merchants today demand fast, strong and secure portions. To resolve these issues, we’re anxious to join together and give REPAY customers induction to our mechanized portion commitments. The modernized portions insurrection is going pedal to the metal and we are eager to enhance our present transnational development things with REPAY.”

Reimburse Announces Strategic Partnership with Veem

About Veem

Established in 2014, Veem is a records receivable (“AR”) and records payable (“AP”) mechanization supplier serving little and medium-sized organizations (“SMBs”). Veem offers a wide assortment of administrations, including receipt robotization, compromise, endorsements, and B2B installments, empowering its clients to consistently make and get installments both locally and cross-line. Veem’s customer base incorporates over 300k clients situated in 110+ nations. Notwithstanding REPAY, Veem is upheld by an amazing rundown of monetary and key value financial backers, including yet not restricted to, Kleiner Perkins, Google Ventures, and Truist Ventures.


Reimburse gives coordinated installment preparing answers for verticals that have explicit exchange handling needs. Reimburse’s exclusive, coordinated installment innovation stage lessens the intricacy of electronic installments for shippers, while improving the general insight for buyers and organizations.

Forward-Looking Statements

This correspondence contains “forward-looking proclamations” inside the importance of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such explanations incorporate, yet are not restricted to, proclamations about REPAY’s arrangements, goals, assumptions and expectations with deference future tasks, items and administrations. These forward-looking assertions incorporate, however are not restricted to, expected advantages from the Veem vital association. Such forward-looking articulations depend on the current convictions and assumptions for REPAY’s administration and are innately dependent upon huge business, monetary and serious vulnerabilities and possibilities, large numbers of which are hard to foresee and for the most part outside REPAY’s ability to control, including, without impediment, the components depicted in REPAY’s reports recorded with the U.S. Protections and Exchange Commission. Genuine outcomes and the circumstance of occasions might vary tangibly from the outcomes expected in these forward-looking assertions.

All data put forward thus talks just as of the date in this regard on account of data about REPAY or the date of such data on account of data from people other than REPAY, and we renounce any aim or commitment to refresh any forward-looking assertions because of improvements happening after the date of this correspondence. Gauges and gauges in regards to REPAY’s industry and end markets depend on sources it accepts to be solid, but there can be no affirmation these conjectures and gauges will demonstrate precise in entire or to a limited extent.