EZ Glide Pushes Lumendi to New Quarter-Over-Quarter Sales Record


EZ Glide, the latest upgrade to Lumendi’s DiLumen Endoluminal Interventional Platform (EIP), has accomplished huge quarter-over-quarter item deals since its market presentation in Q4 2020, and is on target to twofold the business income from the earlier year. Dispatched in December 2020, EZ Glide is serving to altogether build the stage’s useability in GI methods. These upgrades, made in participation with a developing gathering of uniquely prepared endoscopists and colorectal specialists, are impacting the manner in which complex colon polypectomies are performed all throughout the planet.

Lumendi’s central goal is to pioneer endosurgery by consistently working on the viability of the DiLumen stage and extending the broadness of strategies where DiLumen conveys clinical worth. Throughout the most recent five years, Lumendi has constantly further developed the DiLumen stage, and will present extra upgrades over the course of the following a year.

DiLumen has been demonstrated powerful in lower GI methods and supplements EMR and ESD systems for evacuation of intricate polyps, just as with patients who have gone through troublesome or fragmented screening colonoscopies because of a difficult or convoluted colon.

EZ Glide Pushes Lumendi

“Performing endoluminal operations inside the entrail is the norm, not the exceptional case, in Southeast Asia. Regardless, in the US, the example has not yet taken full hold given that the availability of getting ready, and strong point devices, has been by and large nascent,” said Dr Peter Johann, CEO of Lumendi. “DiLumen EZ Glide conveys us closer to more broad gathering of endoluminal methodologies in the lower GI for complex polypectomy, where US patients are at this point overtreated, and, thusly, underserved.”

In the United States alone, in excess of 20 million screening colonoscopies are performed yearly. In an expected 4 to 11 percent of cases, an enormous colorectal polyp (2cm or more prominent) will be recognized, a large number of which are harmless and can be eliminated endoscopically. (1) However, an unbalanced number of these patients are redirected for careful hemi-colectomy (the evacuation of a part of the colon and resulting reconnection) in spite of an articulated probability of harmless, or non-destructive, polyps present. Specialists gauge that 20,000-30,000 comparable medical procedures for harmless polyps are performed every year in the US. (1, 2) The impact of this pattern is that patients might be overtreated and burdened with far-longer hospitalizations and recuperations contrasted with the single-day colon-saving, endosurgical system.

As per Dr. David Diehl, Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, Pennsylvania, “the stage currently slides easily over the colonoscope, making fixing of the left colon extremely simple. The distinction in convenience with EZ Glide is colossal and has urged me to use the DiLumen stage all the more regularly for complex colonic polypectomies. “

EZ Glide Pushes Lumendi to New Quarter-Over-Quarter Sales Record

Dr. Alexander Schlachterman, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, says that “DiLumen EZ Glide gives me viable and effective access, which is the reason it is a fundamental ESD instrument for me.” As indicated by Dr. Johann, “DiLumen EZ Glide is starting to be perceived as conveying esteem in EMR and ESD strategies and bringing down the general expense of care for complex polypectomies. Furthermore, we are currently making associations that carry us closer to present quicker, simpler and more productive methods to the GI people group and then some.”

About Lumendi, LLC (Lumendi)

Headquartered in Westport, Connecticut, Lumendi, LLC is a completely claimed auxiliary of Lumendi Ltd., a secretly held creative, clinical gadget organization situated in Buckinghamshire, UK. Lumendi centers around creating, promoting, and dispersing careful apparatuses and gadgets that give safe, practical answers for negligibly intrusive gastrointestinal intercessions.