SCADAfence Partners with Keysight Technologies To Provide Visibility and Industrial Cyber Security for OT Infrastructures


SCADAfence, the worldwide forerunner in online protection for Operational Technology (OT) and Internet of Things (IoT) conditions, today reported an organization with Keysight Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: KEYS), a main innovation organization that conveys progressed plan and approval answers for assist with speeding up development to interface and secure the world, to intensify network perceivability and online protection to a portion of the world’s most perplexing OT organizations. This new association will assist associations with overseeing their mechanical surroundings and recognize malevolent exercises, decreasing danger through persistent observing and proactive relief.

As more basic organization foundations take on cutting edge robotization frameworks to coordinate their OT and SCADA innovations, getting the expanded assault surface from dangers has become more testing with each assault. Dealing with these dangers has become very confounded because of the way that most OT network conditions and gadgets are not checked straight by security faculty. Subsequently, the Industrial Control System (ICS) networks are more earnestly to screen and get as they’re exceptionally different, and more often than not, they work with an expanded danger of mechanical explicit weaknesses.

This new association among SCADAfence and Keysight will permit associations to have intensified perceivability into OT and IT organizations and expanded discovery and reaction abilities in their OT surroundings. SCADAfence’s non-meddlesome stage for profound bundle assessment (DPI) along with Keysight’s organization test passages (TAPs) and Network Packet Brokers (NPB) arrangements will cooperate to give total traffic perceivability, security, and resource stock administration continuously to their modern clients.

SCADAfence Partners with Keysight Technologies

“Shielding and getting OT conditions from security dangers and irregularities has turned into a main concern for the mechanical area and we furnish profound bundle level perceivability with exact ongoing examination,” said Elad Ben-Meir, CEO of SCADAfence. “We’re eager to join forces with Keysight Technologies to help mechanical associations influence the two answers for better perceivability and further developed bundle data inside OT conditions.”

The organization of SCADAfence and Keysight Technologies together gives expanded constant perceivability into OT conditions, nitty gritty resource perceivability and persistent danger identification for oil and gas offices, fabricating locales, water and wastewater conditions, auto, and other modern foundations. With the capacity to gather various information across all OT conditions, Keysight will actually want to give more significant bits of knowledge to clients on the dangers influencing their IT surroundings and SCADAfence will delineate the associations among IT and OT to evaluate the possible effects on functional conditions.

SCADAfence Partners with Keysight Technologies To Provide Visibility and Industrial Cyber Security

“Basic frameworks are being designated like never before and are confronting greater security dangers in the OT and IoT organizations. The alleviation interaction can take from weeks to potentially months to fix weaknesses inside the more perplexing conditions,” said Taran Singh, VP, endeavor arrangements, Keysight. “Our joint-association with SCADAfence will permit our clients and other mechanical associations to accelerate that interaction from weeks to a couple of days.”

About SCADAfence: 

SCADAfence is the worldwide innovation pioneer in OT and IoT network protection. SCADAfence offers a full set-up of modern online protection items that gives full inclusion of enormous scope organizations, offering top tier network observing, resource disclosure, administration, remote access, and IoT gadget security. A Gartner “Cool Vendor” in 2020, SCADAfence conveys proactive security and perceivability to a portion of the world’s most complicated OT organizations, remembering the biggest assembling office for Europe. SCADAfence empowers associations in basic framework, assembling, and building the board ventures to work safely, dependably, and proficiently.