The IoT Community Announces Oracle as a Diamond-level Corporate Member in its Elite IoT Ecosystem


The IoT CommunityTM (Internet of Things Community), the world’s most prominent neighborhood CXOs and IoT trained professionals and informed authorities, reports Oracle has joined its best IoT regular system as a Diamond level corporate part. Andrew Morawski, SVP and General Manager, Oracle Communications, Networks is likewise assigned to the IoT Community Advisory Board.

David Hill, Executive Director of the IoT Community: “We are eager to welcome Oracle to our IoT Community climate as a gem level corporate part, just as adding Andrew Morawski to our Advisory Board. Prophet is a harbinger in cloud and exchanges courses of action, trusted by adventures and correspondences expert communities worldwide for their significantly ensured, best-of-breed advancement. We expect working with Andrew and the Oracle gathering to accelerate the take-up of mechanical and adventure course of action of exceptional advancement.”

A pioneer in cloud development, Oracle utilize numerous long periods of vertical inclination to help adventures and correspondences expert communities across the world make new mechanized experiences, finish the greatest limit of 5G, and successfully send new IoT strategies. With industry driving cloud applications, IT and association establishment supporting the accompanying convenient age, Oracle is curiously arranged to offer pieces of information into the emerging and progressing IoT scene.

The IoT Community Announces Oracle as a Diamond-level Corporate Member

Dr. Tom Bradicich, Hewlett Packard Fellow, at Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) and IoT Community Advisory Board Chair: “We are fulfilled to have Oracle oblige us in the IoT Community, and welcome Andrew Morawski to the Advisory Board. We expect pushing our vision of an open, secure, and wise edge, collaborating across our IoT Community.

“Prophet’s corporate enlistment adds to the supreme IoT Community natural framework, made out of the best names in development and effectively perceived names across the IoT business. Over the span of ongoing years, the IoT Community has attracted with industry pioneers to make the most persuading and accepted idea organization content in the IoT climate.

Andrew Morawski, SVP and GM, Oracle Communications: “Diverting into a Diamond individual from the world’s most noticeable IoT Community is an honor for Oracle, and I am fretful to join the IoT Community Advisory Board. With different broad stretches of relationship with exchanges and obligation in IoT since its early phase, the development of this market isn’t only a specialist premium yet something I’m fantastically energetic about. I’m expecting that sharing industry learnings should help with supporting by and by of progress in present day and experience IoT blueprints.”

The IoT Community Announces Oracle as a Diamond-level

Prophet will pass on a component address at the IoT Grand Slam 2021 virtual event happening December 10th, Online. For full nuances assuming no one minds. IoT game plan providers searching for increment to and facilitated exertion openings with the IoT Community should contact:


The IoT Community is the world’s greatest CxO social class of senior business pioneers and IoT specialists including 26,000+ people. The limit is to focus in on gathering and usage of IoT in business conditions, overcoming the variety of obstacles, inhibitors, specific and utilitarian issues.


Prophet Communications offers consolidated correspondences and cloud responses for Service Providers and Enterprises to accelerate their high level change adventure in an exchanges driven world from network improvement to mechanized business to customer experience.

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